I would like to explain Seishiro Sakurazuka’s line in “Tokyo Babylon”, “There are corpses buried under the cherry trees.”
どこで登場するセリフ?Where do the lines appear?
there is a scene where Seishiro Sakurazuka, a student, speaks to Subaru when he was little.
Seishiro: “Did you know? There’s a corpse buried under the cherry tree.”
Subaru: “Is it sitai…?”
「桜の花が毎年こんなに綺麗に咲くのは その下は死体が埋まっているからですよ」
「桜の花びらはね 本当は白いんですよ 雪みたいに真っ白なんです」
「じゃあなぜ桜の花びらは『薄紅』色か知っていますか? その木の下に埋まってる死体の血を吸っているからですよ」
Seishiro: The reason why the cherry blossoms bloom so beautifully every year is because there are corpses buried under them.
“Cherry blossom petals are actually white; they’re pure white like snow.”
“Then do you know why the cherry blossom petals are ‘pale red’? It’s because they suck the blood of the corpses buried under the tree.”
First-time readers will think that Seishiro is a psychopath who says outrageous things.
This statement has a good source.
I would like to explain this time
元ネタ『桜の樹の下には』Original story “Under the cherry tree”
There is no doubt that the original story here is “under the cherry tree” by Motojiro Kajii, a writer in the Meiji period.
(Meiji period :1868-1912)
I will quote the beginning of “Under the Cherry Tree”.
これは信じていいことなんだよ。何故(なぜ)って、桜の花があんなにも見事に咲くなんて信じられないことじゃないか。俺はあの美しさが信じられないので、この二三日不安だった。しかしいま、やっとわかるときが来た。桜の樹の下には屍体が埋まっている。これは信じていいことだ。A corpse is buried under the cherry tree!
“You can believe this.” Why is it unbelievable that cherry blossoms bloom so beautifully? I’ve been worried for the past couple of days because I can’t believe how beautiful it is. But now it’s time to finally understand. A corpse is buried under the cherry tree. This is a good thing to believe.
The main character of “Under the Cherry Tree” is terrified by the mysterious beauty of the “cherry tree” that is blooming beautifully one day.
Then, when he happened to see a certain scene, he became obsessed with the delusion that “the reason why cherry trees are so beautiful must be that they are sucking up the blood of the times buried under the trees.”
It is a short novel with a bold idea that “there must be tragedy behind beauty.”
星史郎の言葉の真意 The true meaning of Seishiro’s words
Why did Seishiro say to Subaru, “There’s a dead body buried under the cherry tree”?
Based on the content of Motojirō Kajii’s “Under the Cherry Tree”, the main character in the novel held, “The reason why the cherry tree is so beautiful must be that it absorbs the blood of the times when it was buried under the tree.” I think there’s a hint in the delusion that says.
Seishiro must have thought Subaru was “beautiful”.
However, at the same time, she must have thought that “beauty must have a reason”, in other words, that there must be something terrifying hidden in Subaru’s innocent beauty, like a corpse buried under the cherry blossoms.
And I think he felt that he wanted to defile the innocent Subaru by throwing out the scary words, “There are corpses buried under the cherry trees.”
However, Subaru asked Seishiro:
“Aren’t the people under the cherry tree in pain?”
Seishiro was taken aback by Subaru’s kind words.
After that, Seishiro makes a “bet” to Subaru.
If he loses the “bet”, Seishiro will no longer kill Subaru.
Deep down in his heart, Seishiro fell in love with Subaru and wanted to choose not to kill her.
In “Tokyo Babylon”, I’m curious about the ending of Seishiro and Subaru, but the latter two will appear in “X”!
If you are interested, please check it out.